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Tawerna "Pod przegrzanym bolterem"
Autor Wiadomość
Wielki Ascendent

Armia WH40k:
orki tyranidzi

War of the Ring:
The Misty Mountains

Dołączył: 12 Lip 2005
Posty: 7694
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-05-17, 23:34   
   Baretki: zalozyciel

Hidden Hunter, Burrowers, Death from below, Terror from the deep, Subterranean assault, Invasion organism - takie mają nazwy te zdolności
  Klub: battleground
Wielki Ascendent

Armia WH40k:
orki tyranidzi

War of the Ring:
The Misty Mountains

Dołączył: 12 Lip 2005
Posty: 7694
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-05-17, 23:40   
   Baretki: zalozyciel

to z tego faq
TACTICAL RESERVES Following feedback, we are changing the Tactical Reserves beta matched play rule proposed in the Spring 2018 update, which was itself an update to an existing matched play rule in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. The original wording in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook restricted the number of units that could arrive during a game to half your army, but the intent was ‘half of your army’s strength’. The first beta version of this rule clarified this to be half the Power Level of your army, but as matched play games typically use points values instead of Power Ratings, we have clarified that this should instead be half the points value of your army.
Even when limited to half your army, the ability to arrive on the battlefield mid-game remains very powerful, enabling units that can do so to arrive where they will be most effective whilst granting them immunity from attacks until they are on the battlefield. Armies that use a heavy proportion of ‘reinforcement units’ continue to dominate on many gaming tables, which is why we felt it necessary to rein in the power of these abilities in Spring 2018. However, our original beta rule, which limited the units that arrived as reinforcements during the first battle round to being set up within their own deployment zone, received a lot of mixed feedback. Whilst it did help to rein in the power of some armies that used a heavy proportion of reinforcement units, it also raised a lot of questions from players regarding which units, abilities, powers and so on were affected. Some players felt it was unfair that all of their units were restricted, whilst all of their opponent’s units were exempt. Perhaps the biggest criticism we received, though, was that the rule seemed to break many players’ suspension of disbelief, as they could not understand the background reasons behind it – what was the rule representing on the battlefield?
As a result, we are proposing a new version of this beta rule that is designed to rein in the power of reinforcementheavy armies whilst also maintaining a more narrative theme. To that end, units that arrive as reinforcements must now wait until the second battle round to do so – they are reserves that arrive to reinforce your army mid-battle, not reinforce it before your opponent has had a chance to move any of their own models.
We also felt, because it was so different, that we should rerelease this as a new beta matched play rule, rather than enshrine it in the rules before the wider community has had a chance to provide adequate feedback. We have also removed the exemption that Genestealer Cults had in the previous beta version of this rule – rest assured this has been taken into account for Codex: Genestealer Cults, which is currently in development.
TACTICAL RESERVES Instead of being set up on the battlefield during Deployment, many units have the ability to be set up on teleportariums, in high orbit, in ambush, etc., in order to arrive on the battlefield mid-game as reinforcements. When setting up your army during Deployment for a matched play game, at least half the total number of units in your army must be set up on the battlefield, and the combined points value of all the units you set up on the battlefield during Deployment (including those that are embarked within Transports that are set up on the battlefield) must be at least half of your army’s total points value, even if every unit in your army has an ability that would allow them to be set up elsewhere.
Furthermore, in matched play games, units that are not placed on the battlefield during deployment in order to arrive on the battle mid-game as reinforcements cannot arrive on the battlefield during the first battle round.
Finally, any unit that has not arrived on the battlefield by the end of the third battle round in a matched play game counts as having been destroyed.
3WARHAMMER 40,000 – The Big FAQ 2 2018
Related Errata If you are using the Tactical Reserves beta matched play rule, the following errata apply:
Codex: Space Marines, page 197 – Strike From the Shadows Change this Stratagem to read: ‘Use this Stratagem when you set up a Raven Guard Infantry unit from your army during deployment. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.’
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, page 160 – Forward Operatives Change this Stratagem to read: ‘Use this Stratagem when you set up an Alpha Legion Infantry unit from your army during deployment. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.’
Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus, page 98 – Clandestine Infiltration Change this Stratagem to read: ‘Use this Stratagem when you set up a Stygies VIII unit from your army during deployment. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.’
Codex: Craftworlds, pages 91 and 94 – Illic Nightspear and Rangers, Appear Unbidden Change the last sentence of this ability to read: ‘At the end of any of your Movement phases, this unit can emerge from the webway – set this unit up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.’
Index: Xenos 1, page 79 – The Yncarne, Inevitable Death Change the first sentence of this ability to read: ‘When you set up the Yncarne, it can be set up in waiting rather than on the battlefield.’
  Klub: battleground
Wielki Ascendent

Armia WH40k:
orki tyranidzi

War of the Ring:
The Misty Mountains

Dołączył: 12 Lip 2005
Posty: 7694
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-05-18, 00:01   
   Baretki: zalozyciel

to świeże z maja
TACTICAL RESERVES The Tactical Reserves matched play rule was revised as an updated beta version back in Autumn 2018. This is now the final form of this matched play rule:
For clarity, this matched play rule does not apply to units that are set up on the battlefield during Deployment, but that use Stratagems, abilities, psychic powers etc. to be removed from the battlefield and set back up during the first or subsequent battle rounds. Also note, that no part of this matched play rule applies to units that are added to your army during the battle (such as those that require reinforcement points to be added); these units cannot be set up anywhere (on the battlefield or otherwise) during deployment because they do not exist until the point where the rule that ‘creates’ them is used, and that point is always after deployment has finished.
The revised Autumn update 2018 listed a number of related errata that should be used if you were using the beta matched play version of Tactical Reserves. These were intended to cover off any rules that would otherwise contradict this matched play rule. As the matched play rule itself has now been finalised, all the related errata are now likewise finalised (note that the Stratagem erratas below now also include a restriction to ensure a single unit cannot benefit from that Stratagem multiple times). These will appear in the relevant FAQ and Errata documents, but are reprinted here for convenience:
Codex: Space Marines, page 197 – Strike from the Shadows Change this Stratagem to read: ‘Use this Stratagem during deployment, when you set up a Raven Guard Infantry unit from your army. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Each unit can only be selected for this Stratagem once per battle.’
Codex: Chaos Space Marines, page 160 (page 166 in the 2019 edition) – Forward Operatives Change this Stratagem to read: ‘Use this Stratagem during deployment, when you set up an Alpha Legion Infantry unit from your army. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Each unit can only be selected for this Stratagem once per battle.’
Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus, page 98 – Clandestine Infiltration Change this Stratagem to read: ‘Use this Stratagem during deployment, when you set up a Stygies VIII unit from your army. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Each unit can only be selected for this Stratagem once per battle.’
Codex: Craftworlds, pages 91 and 94 – Illic Nightspear and Rangers, Appear Unbidden Change the last sentence of this ability to read: ‘At the end of one of your Movement phases, this unit can emerge from the webway – set this unit up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.’
Codex: Craftworlds, page 123 – Shiftshroud of Alanssair Change the last sentence of this ability to read: ‘At the end of one of your Movement phases, this model can emerge from hiding – set this model up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.’
TACTICAL RESERVES Instead of being set up on the battlefield during deployment, many units have the ability to be set up on teleportariums, in high orbit, in ambush, etc., in order to arrive on the battlefield mid-game as reinforcements. When setting up your army during deployment for a matched play game, at least half the total number of units in your army must be set up on the battlefield, and the combined points value of all the units you set up on the battlefield during deployment (including those that are embarked aboard Transports that are set up on the battlefield) must be at least half of your army’s total points value, even if every unit in your army has an ability that would allow them to be set up elsewhere.
Furthermore, in matched play games, units that are not placed on the battlefield during deployment in order to arrive on the battle mid-game as reinforcements cannot arrive on the battlefield during the first battle round.
Finally, any unit that has not arrived on the battlefield by the end of the third battle round in a matched play game counts as having been destroyed.
Codex: Tyranids, page 110 – Sporocyst, Bombardment Organism Change this ability to read: ‘When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models.’
Imperial Armour Index: Xenos, page 18 – Meiotic Spores, Outriders of the Swarm Change this ability to read: ‘When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models.’
  Klub: battleground

Armia WH40k:
raven terryn krieg

Armia WFB:

Dołączył: 30 Kwi 2009
Posty: 2035
Skąd: Terra
Wysłany: 2019-05-18, 18:43   
   Baretki: owsiak

Napisze to w wielkim skrócie.

1. Wszystkie ruchy desantujące się jak kol wiek by się nie nazywały zostały zostały ujednolicone (Deep strike, manta strike, itp.)

2. Połowa twojej armii (według punktów lub power level) musi być na stole, a reszta może być w desancie.

3. Wszystkie desanty można robić następująco:
a) na koniec swojej pierwszej fazy ruchu desantować jednostkę w strefie swojego rozstawienia
b) na koniec drugiej tury desantować ją 9 cali od przeciwnika

4. Jednostki, które nie pojawią się na stole do końca 3 tury traktowane są jako zniszczone.

5. Wszystkie wymienione stratagemy, dostały nerfa.

Krótko mówiąc, nie wykopiesz się mawlockiem w 1 turze, ale tak jak pisałeś możesz wykopać się zaraz obok przeciwnika co już wcześniej robiłeś.

Jeśli nie mam racji to proszę mnie poprawić. :alert:
  Klub: battleground
Imperator Padyszach

Armia WH40k:
imperial guard

Dołączył: 09 Lut 2008
Posty: 2765
Skąd: Fenris
Wysłany: 2019-05-19, 15:02   
   Baretki: 2017ragnarok

No, nie masz racji.
W swoim deploymencie też się nie można zrzucać z deepa w pierwszym battle round.
" 8th Cadia - Mess with the best, die like the rest!"
  Klub: battleground

Armia WH40k:
raven terryn krieg

Armia WFB:

Dołączył: 30 Kwi 2009
Posty: 2035
Skąd: Terra
Wysłany: 2019-05-19, 15:17   
   Baretki: owsiak

Fakt, teraz doczytałem.
  Klub: battleground
Imperator Padyszach

Armia WH40k:
imperial guard

Dołączył: 09 Lut 2008
Posty: 2765
Skąd: Fenris
Wysłany: 2019-06-02, 20:03   
   Baretki: 2017ragnarok

Zrzutka? :D

A tak na poważnie, Panowie. Ktoś ma pomalowane figury do Malifaux? Może byśmy zagrali w to wreszcie. Moje się kurzą od laaat!
" 8th Cadia - Mess with the best, die like the rest!"
  Klub: battleground
Hammer of Thor

Armia WH40k:
Ulthwe SpaceWolves Malice

Armia WFB:
Bretonnia Imperium

War of the Ring:
Isengard Rohan

Dołączył: 11 Lip 2005
Posty: 16839
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-06-02, 20:39   
   Baretki: zalozyciel

Wiśniaa napisał/a:

Zrzutka? :D

A tak na poważnie, Panowie. Ktoś ma pomalowane figury do Malifaux? Może byśmy zagrali w to wreszcie. Moje się kurzą od laaat!
no przecież powinieneś wiedzieć, że ja mam :) Drzewcowi aktualnie maluje Gazza.

Jak najbardziej mogę zagrać, to chyba nie jest długa gra? Następne warsztaty to dla mnie rog, ale na kolejnych chcę zagrać w x-winga... i to też nie jest długie, 1,5 godziny pewnie, potem mogę rozegrać małą partię w Malifo.

Minas Kolmar | Dobywając Thanira | Słowa, słowa, słowa

Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
  Klub: battleground
Hammer of Thor

Armia WH40k:
Ulthwe SpaceWolves Malice

Armia WFB:
Bretonnia Imperium

War of the Ring:
Isengard Rohan

Dołączył: 11 Lip 2005
Posty: 16839
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-06-02, 20:39   
   Baretki: zalozyciel

(Pierwszą edycję oczywiście)

Minas Kolmar | Dobywając Thanira | Słowa, słowa, słowa

Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
  Klub: battleground

Armia WH40k:
raven terryn krieg

Armia WFB:

Dołączył: 30 Kwi 2009
Posty: 2035
Skąd: Terra
Wysłany: 2019-06-03, 05:53   
   Baretki: owsiak

Watcher napisał/a:
(Pierwszą edycję oczywiście)

A nie w drugą przypadkiem?

Ja swoje na koniec miesiąca daje do malowania.
  Klub: battleground
Hammer of Thor

Armia WH40k:
Ulthwe SpaceWolves Malice

Armia WFB:
Bretonnia Imperium

War of the Ring:
Isengard Rohan

Dołączył: 11 Lip 2005
Posty: 16839
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-06-03, 06:01   
   Baretki: zalozyciel

W drugą, tak :)

Minas Kolmar | Dobywając Thanira | Słowa, słowa, słowa

Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
  Klub: battleground

Armia WH40k:
tau templars ultra

Armia WFB:
wys elfy krasnoludy

War of the Ring:
The Fallen Realms

Dołączył: 12 Lip 2005
Posty: 7213
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-06-03, 13:25   
   Baretki: tartar zalozyciel

Moje kończy Gazza :mag:
There is only War!

  Klub: battleground-castigatores
Imperator Padyszach

Armia WH40k:
imperial guard

Dołączył: 09 Lut 2008
Posty: 2765
Skąd: Fenris
Wysłany: 2019-06-06, 20:45   
   Baretki: 2017ragnarok

Dobra, to czekam, aż będziecie Panowie gotowi ;)
" 8th Cadia - Mess with the best, die like the rest!"
  Klub: battleground
Hammer of Thor

Armia WH40k:
Ulthwe SpaceWolves Malice

Armia WFB:
Bretonnia Imperium

War of the Ring:
Isengard Rohan

Dołączył: 11 Lip 2005
Posty: 16839
Skąd: Chodzież
Wysłany: 2019-06-06, 21:37   
   Baretki: zalozyciel

Ja jestem gotów od czasów niepamiętnych ;)

Minas Kolmar | Dobywając Thanira | Słowa, słowa, słowa

Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
  Klub: battleground

Dołączył: 12 Lip 2005
Posty: 3777
Skąd: Poznań
Wysłany: 2019-07-04, 07:01   

Drzewiec napisał/a:
Moje kończy Gazza :mag:

W weekend odbierzesz! :ork1:

BTW: otrzymałem od znajomego prezent niespodziankę - model 28 mm jakiegoś demona czy innego ducha. Ma jedną wadę - paskudny łeb. Tym samym ogłaszam konkurs/prośbę o bitsa jakiejś fajnej głowy demoniczno-potwornej. Jeśli macie zbędne łebki od jakiś chaośników or something i jesteście skłonni odstąpić - będę wdzięczny. :)
Propozycje (jeśli jakiekolwiek będą) proszę zamieszczać tutaj.
Dla zwycięzcy plebiscytu przewiduję nagrodę ;)
  Klub: battleground
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